Welcome to the Online Dashboard! This is your go-to place for ALL THE THINGS! Please bookmark the link to this page so you can easily access it and the information provided here: https://www.storytellersandwildcreatives.com/tep3.html
Materials List
A planner for the next year (with hourly spaces) - I prefer print but digital works
A large unlined journal to sketch and draw in
A journal to take notes and heartstorm ideas
Cosmic Smash Book (optional)
Notecards (any size, lined/unlined)
Pens, pencils, and a black Sharpie
Watercolors (optional)
Acrylic paints (a rainbow of colors - basic craft paint is sufficient)
A variety of paintbrush sizes - at least three (a liner, a round, and a flat)
Jar for paint water
Small spray bottle
1 Pc. Watercolor paper 140lb. 22X30 size
Computer with a strong internet connection + phone
Programs - Word or Google Docs for your content
Our Online Schedule
January 2025
🌟 Live Teaching/Group Coaching(will be recorded) January 7th, 9 am PST (90 minutes) January 21st, 9 am PST (90 minutes)
🌟Co-Working Sessions - Fridays at 10 am PT (2 hours) - (will not be recorded)
February 2025 TBD
STARTING MARCH 2025 🌟 Tuesdays at 9 am PT (90 minutes) - Live Teaching/Group Coaching (will be recorded) 🌟 Fridays at 10 am PT (2 hours) - Co-Working Sessions (will not be recorded)
Here is what the group is for: ♥Connection - When we aren't on calls together, this is the place to share. ♥Feedback - As you are on your journey, you're going to be creating content and designs, and I recommend leaning into visibility, sharing with us, and asking for feedback.
This PDF is normally on the Resources page, but since that page isn't unlocked yet, I'm adding it here. Planning & Preparation/End of the Week Reflection >>>> Download HERE.