Welcome to the Online Dashboard! This is your go-to place for ALL THE THINGS! Please bookmark the link to this page so you can easily access it and the information provided here: https://www.storytellersandwildcreatives.com/tep2.html
Materials List
A planner for the next year (with hourly spaces) - I prefer print but digital works
A large unlined journal to sketch and draw in
A journal to take notes and heartstorm ideas
Cosmic Smash Book (optional)
Notecards (any size, lined/unlined)
Pens, pencils, and a black Sharpie
Watercolors (optional)
Acrylic paints (a rainbow of colors - basic craft paint is sufficient)
A variety of paintbrush sizes - at least three (a liner, a round, and a flat)
Jar for paint water
Small spray bottle
1 Pc. Watercolor paper 140lb. 22X30 size
Computer with a strong internet connection + phone
Programs - Word or Google Docs for your content
Our Online Schedule
🌟 Tuesdays at 9 am PT (90 minutes) - Live Teaching/Group Coaching (will be recorded)
For November: Tuesday, November 5th & 19th For December: Tuesday, December 3rd & 17th 🌟 Fridays at 10 am PT (2 hours) - Co-Working Sessions (will not be recorded)
Recordings of the Group Coaching Calls can be found HERE.
♥Zoom Etiquette♥ 🌟I understand that things come up, but when at all possible, please be on time. 🌟No side talking in the chat box. It’s truly distracting and takes you out of being present with whoever is currently speaking.
Here is what the group is for: ♥Connection - When we aren't on calls together, this is the place to share. ♥Feedback - As you are on your journey, you're going to be creating content and designs, and I recommend leaning into visibility, sharing with us, and asking for feedback.